UK Scholarship
SCHOLARSHIP: SENSS, UK International Scholarship for Postgraduate | Masters| Ph.D Students

Applications for the 2024/25 South and East Network for Social Sciences competition are now open.
SENSS will offer these studentships each academic year, over our 6 interdisciplinary themes across 8 universities.
SENSS Partner Universities
- City St George’s University of London
- Cranfield University
- University of East Anglia
- University of Essex
- Goldsmiths University of London
- University of Lincoln
- Middlesex University
- University of Roehampton
About university:
What is a SENSS student-led studentship?
- Students work on a research project they have come up with themselves.
- They will be guided in this work by an expert academic supervisory team.
- The project may involve working with a collaborative partner (for example, a business, charity or think tank) who provides researchers with access to data, equipment or participants for a study, additional funding for their studentship, an additional supervisor, and/or a placement.
Scholarship deadline:
January 22, 2025
Scholarship details:
- Host Country: United Kingdom (UK)
- Study Abroad: Study in UK
- Category: Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships | PhD Scholarships
- Eligible Countries: All Countries
- Reward: Full Scholarship | £21,237 per year | Travel & Research Support
- No IELTS Required
Scholarship eligibility requirements:
To be considered for the SENSS ESRC Studentship, note the following criteria:
- Residential criteria: studentships are available to all applicants, regardless of nationality or residency, across all 8 SENSS universities and 6 SENSS interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary Pathways. However, there are a limited number of studentships (approximately 10 each year) available to international applicants.
- You can view the full residential eligibility guidance here.
- To apply for a Masters plus PhD (+4.5-year award), you will need: qualifications or professional experience equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree (Honours).
- To apply for a PhD only (+3.5-year award), you will need: qualifications or professional experience equivalent to a Masters degree, or a Masters degree and already have the research skills needed to successfully complete your research project.
- If you have already started your PhD, you are eligible to apply for SENSS funding, but only if you have not already completed a substantial proportion of your studies.
Scholarship Application Guidelines:
To apply for the 2025 SENSS Scholarship, interested and qualified candidates should;
- First identify the academic at the SENSS university with whom you wish to work, making sure that your research topic comes within one of the 6 SENSS Themes.
- Then contact that academic – your proposed supervisor – directly to discuss working with them. Alternatively, if you are unsure about who to approach, get in touch with the SENSS Operational Lead at that university, as they may be able to support you in finding a supervisor.
- If, after talking to your proposed supervisor, they are supportive of working with you, submit your application for a place to study at your chosen SENSS university.
- Once you have applied for a place to study at your home university, you will also need to apply for SENSS funding for your studies.
Scholarship Benefits:
Studentships include the following for the duration of the award:
- A tax-free maintenance stipend to cover your living costs: this is set at £19,237 per year. For those studying at universities based in London, there is an additional £2,000 per year paid as London Weighting, given that the cost of living is higher for those living in London. If you are not studying at a London-based university, but still choose to live in London, you will not receive the London Weighting payment;
- Fees: whether home or international, no SENSS-funded student will have to pay any university tuition fees for the duration of their funding award.
- Access to research training support funds; and,
- Access to other funds to support overseas fieldwork, overseas institutional visits, and language training.
- Access to additional funding to support your research, UK or overseas fieldwork, international study visits, and language training.