SCHOLARSHIP: California State University, USA International Scholarship for Postgraduate | Masters Students

California State University Scholarship applications for graduate study to the Master’s Degree program in Biology at California State University, Los Angeles are invited for students interested in an interdisciplinary project in Climate Extremes and Remote Sensing.
About university:
The California State University, is a public university system in California, and the largest public university system in the United States. It consists of 23 campuses and seven off-campus centers, which together enroll 457,992 students and employ 56,256 faculty and staff members.
Scholarship deadline:
March 15, 2025
Scholarship details:
- Host Country: United States of America USA
- Study Abroad: Study in USA
- Category: Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships
- Eligible Countries: All Countries
- Reward: Full Scholarship | $24,000 Stipend/Yr
- No IELTS Required
Scholarship eligibility requirements:
Ideally, the California State University Scholarship candidate students will have interests in;
- climate change, data analysis, and geospatial modeling
- pursuing a M.S. program in Environmental Science for Fall 2025 at Cal State Los Angeles.
Scholarship Application Guidelines:
To apply for the California State University Scholarship, interested and qualified candidates should;
- contact Dr. Jingjing Li at jli104@calstatela.eduand Dr. Alireza Farahmand at
- Dr. Jingjing Li at and Dr. Alireza Farahmand at afarahm2@calstatela.eduto the contacts above.
Scholarship Benefits:
Graduate Student Support: $24,000/year includes academic stipend and summer internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).